The Family Center of Washington County’s Mission is “Building Resourceful Families and Healthy Children to create a Strong Community.” Our Child, Youth, and Family Services served 2,529 individuals and families in Central Vermont during the fiscal year from July 2022 – June 2023.
# of children served
Early Intervention
CIS Family Support Home Visiting
Diaper Bank
Early Care and Education
Welcome Baby
# of young adults served
Reach Up Job Development
Youth Homelessness Demo Project
Families Learning Together

# of families served
Child Care Financial Assistance
Child Care Referral
Resource and Referral
Family Support Housing
# of families served
Family Support Groups
Food Pantry
Community Events
How Well Did We Do It?
- 73% of Early Childhood Program parents are very satisfied with how the program communicates with them.
- 86% of Early Intervention families report that services helped their child develop and learn.
- 97% of Child Care Referral clients surveyed indicated that the service was helpful to them.
- 99% of Child Care Financial Assistance Program (CCFAP) applications are initiated within 7 days of receipt.
- 89% of CCFAP applications are correctly processed.
- 79% of community partners agree or strongly agree that the Family Center does a good job of connecting participants to appropriate community resources.
- 86% of community participants agree or strongly agree that the Family Center effectively assesses gaps in services and designs plans to address those gaps.
- 73% of parents in Baby Play report that topics and activities are interesting to them.
- 81% of parents attending How To Be the Best Parent workshop series strongly agree the materials they received are easy to understand.
- 100% of children with disabilities received timely transition to preschool or other appropriate services before their 3rd birthday.
Is Anyone Better Off?
- 97% of parents in the Early Childhood Program feel strong and confident as a parent after their child was in the program, compared to 65% before attending.
- 89% of parents in the Early Childhood Program know where to go in the community when they need help after their child was in the program compared to 65% before attending
- 50% of parents in the Early Childhood Program responding to a survey said they could accept a better job because of their child’s enrollment
- By the end of 2013, 96% of children in our Early Childhood Program met or exceeded the normal range of social/emotional development for their age.
- Of 10 families participating in the Strengthening Families Demonstration Project since March 2013 whose cases are closed, 6 showed improvement in 11 indicators of family wellbeing with a range of 12% – 60% improvement.
- 90% of families in the Strengthening Families Demonstration Program in 2013 showed improvement in social/emotional competence.
- In 2013, Family Center assisted 14 providers to increase their STARs level.
- For children with disabilities enrolled in CIS-Early Intervention, 69% were functioning at age appropriate expectations when they exited the program at age 3 in social/ emotional skills, acquisition and use of knowledge, use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs. These rates are 9 to 16% above the state targets.
- In FY’14, 40% (56 of 140) of Reach Up participants became employed and 28% had their Reach Up grant closed due to employment.
- 18% of Reach Up participants received support around housing concerns and 28% received support regarding child care.
- 100% of 18 Family Works participants accessed regular medical care for their child after participating in the program.
- 80% of parents attending Dads Playgroup report getting helpful information or support from the playgroup.