Family Supportive Housing Program

Youth Services
Empowering Families out of Homelessness

What is Family Supportive Housing?

The Family Supportive Housing Program (FSH) is a participant-engaged permanent supportive housing program for homeless families with minor children in Washington County. The program includes individualized, family-centered case management services. Each family will work one-on-one with a FSH Service Coordinator towards achieving set goals developed by the family with their ‘team’ of other service providers. The goal of the FSH program is to work with families to address obstacles or challenges regarding housing needs, acquire stable housing, and provide support and services to maintain supportive housing. As such, the Service Coordinator is available to the landlord and is able to assist with any tenant/landlord issues that might arise.

More Services the FSH Program Can Provide:

Information and Referrals, Life Coaching, Housing Search Assistance, Appeals Assistance for Subsidized Housing Denials, Eviction Prevention Services, Landlord-Tenant Mediation, Advocacy for housing and employment opportunities, Education Referrals for High School Diploma, G.E.D. or continuing education programs, Financial Assistance for acquiring permanent housing or stabilizing through local process


Click here to download printable Program Referral Application: FCWC Housing Program Referral

Forms must be sent to:  or faxed to: 802-262-6071

For questions, you  may contact us at 802-262-3292, x135